• Sarah Burton, Apostle, INSPN 1994-2017

    As I was driving into Indianapolis on I-70E, I had an open vision. The Capitol building in Washington D.C. was picked up and set down in the middle of our capitol city, Indianapolis. The Lord spoke to me and said, “This isn’t a natural governing building, it is a spiritual governing building, but I wanted you to see the importance and the power that I was setting down.” Next, I saw lines like ribbons going from the top of the building in all directions. They went up and then curved down in all different directions. They went up and then curved down to the ground in many locations. Where they landed, there were big golden stars. The Lord said, “These stars represent 24/7 Houses of Prayer that I will raise up.” Then He said, “I want a CANOPY of Prayer over the state of Indiana.”

  • Katherine Watsey, 1/2022-

    New Wind of His Spirit is coming over Indiana and He is establishing the Canopy of His Presence. Corners are significant for the Cornerstone State.

  • Anthony Medina, 3/2022-Indiana

    I woke up this morning seeing the state of Indiana on a map. As I looked at it I saw walls come down around its’ boarders. I then heard the Lord say: Indiana, for too long you have been a go between for nefarious dealings, but I am closing the borders to the darkness that crosses through it. I am causing an uncommon wind to blow over Indiana to refresh its’ weary intercessors and prophets because many have stood for so long and feel like they have not seen the fruit of their standing. The refreshing will restore personal awakening and will bring with it the strategy needed to open its’ borders to the King of Glory.

    I then began to see a motherboard from a computer. I saw a piece of DDR Ram(memory) in it that was being replaced with a much faster (I used to build PC’s, so I am familiar with the components). When I asked the Lord why he replaced the memory, He said that He needed to get the DDR out of Indiana in order for it to step into its’ fullness. When I asked what DDR was, He said: Depression, Doubt and Religion. He said these were the three greatest enemies of the church in Indiana and He would cut the memories of what allowed these things to take such deep root within the state and its’ people and upgrade it with His thoughts concerning it.

    After this I heard a line from the Beatles song Come Together: “Come together, right now, over Me.” He said that He was calling the church of Indiana to unify once again. I felt sadness after I heard this and when I asked why I felt this way, He said it was what He felt over the division of the church in the state. He said, I used to be better, but My gifts, because they were filters through religion, brought about more division. I then heard the Lord say, “I will show a handful the way forward in Indiana. It will be the same vision of unity and restoration. They must come together over Me and call the church to wholeness, together. I saw state-wide gatherings happening all across the state.

  • Clay Nash, 2021

    Up in the North part of Indiana I'm about to release a voice -- I'm seeing like Elkhart - but it's not exactly there. I know that there is a Goshen up in that area. But I hear the Lord saying that I'm about to release a fresh & stronger voice out of that area & it's going to begin to shake the state & it's going to begin to shake states surrounding it. So get ready for what it's going to begin to happen & this voice is going to come & going to be very connected to First Nations people. So get ready there in Northern Indiana for this release of an Apostolic & prophetic voice that is going to cause a shaking to take place. In Yeshua's name. Amen!

    Indiana has the Father’s anointing.

  • Kevin Thompson, January 2019

    Shabbat gatherings will lead to signs, miracles and wonders, which will lead to 24/7 Prayer. 2010-I-69 is the Road to Revival.

  • Cindy Jacobs, 2010

    Father, we decree right now that the anointing on this state of Indiana for miracles and healing to be medicine to the nations. The Lord is showing me that there are leaves for the healing of the nation in Indiana. So Father, we decree that the foundation is going to be put on the right place. I literally see somehow, I don’t know how it will be, but just pieces of stone, the rock of this limestone,

    being sent to fifty states eventually. The Lord says, “I am giving you the anointing to set a new cornerstone in America, for you are a cornerstone state, and the Lord says that you will write My Name upon the stone, and there will be new cornerstones set. It will not be the cornerstone set by Baal, the altars of Baal, but there will be new altars built, says the Lord, And I give you the anointing to build altars,” Says God.’

    Indiana is a place for Children’s Revival.

  • Chuck Pierce, 2007

    The Lord is calling His people in this Era into alignment to overthrow and overcome the powers and forces of darkness, to establish His plans and purposes in the Earth. Prayer is an essential ingredient to accomplish this. The Lord has given me a word to call forth companies of 300 Gideon Intercessors. Then He said to call forth 1,2,3 companies of 300 Gideon Intercessors (3 companies of 300=900 x 12-10,800). “For I have come to the land to place favor and to bring MY SWORD and say I have now found the place to begin to draw MY HARVEST CIRCLES. I say I will draw a Gideon circle of 300 and from that place, I will draw another Gideon circle of 300 and from that, I will draw another Gideon circle of 300. For I am beginning to reform the circumference of HARVEST in this NATION. And I say INDIANA now will become the POINT of the HARVEST CIRCUMFERENCE.”

  • Will Ford III, 2003

    Indiana, God is dreaming about you!

  • Jim Chosa, 2003

    O Indiana…if you only knew…if you only understood what I have placed in the land, the deposits that I have spoken and released by My Word—the seed of the Word that is in the heart of our nation in Indiana.”

  • Dutch Sheets, 2003

    Maybe Indiana is supposed to be a coat of many colors. Maybe you are a key to some things that have to do with healing a nation…

    There is something to do with firsts. First strikes that have to do with this state that are first for the nation. This is a forerunning state in the sense of covenant, asking people to move into a higher level of covenant. First Strike—Jericho, the place the Captain shows up…the First Strike of the Captain. Maybe the Son is saying…”I want to be a First-Strike Captain in Indiana.”

    I saw the Fire of God going from place to place, and I saw very clearly Notre Dame…I don’t want to limit it…I saw a move of God’s Spirit literally overwhelm the universities…it was a first strike.

    First strike people have to be people who insist on heavenly strategy!

  • Chuck Pierce, 2003

    I have just shifted an authority in this nation and I have come to this State to shift this authority. I have come to this state to make the “First Strike,” so say now, “Black America will go forth on their path in this land…that which would resist and swarm against them…I am now giving them the ability to walk of the Fire that is coming on the path of this nation. I am imparting to them the authority to walk…before you on the path that is about to grow hot in this land.”