Statement of Faith

Indiana Canopy of Prayer believes the entire Word of GOD in the Bible including:

1.     GOD (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) created the Heavens and the Earth in 6 days and rested on Shabbat, Genesis 1.

2.     GOD created us male and female to be fruitful and multiply, plus have dominion, Genesis 1:27,28.

3.     Marriage is between one man and one woman. What GOD has brought together let man not separate, Matthew 19:6.

4.     GOD flooded the earth because there was so much sin. GOD renewed Covenant with Noah and after the flood, GOD gave Noah the rainbow as a sign He wouldn’t flood the Earth again, Genesis 6-9.

5.     GOD made covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob giving them the Land of Israel forever.

6.     On Pentecost GOD gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai, Exodus 20.

7.     Life begins at conception. We choose life, that we and our descendants live, love the LORD and listen to His voice, Deuteronomy 30:19-20.

8.     Yeshua summed up the Ten Commandments in loving the LORD your GOD with all your heart, soul and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself, Matthew 22:34-40.

9.     Yeshua is the Son of GOD and born to the Virgin Mary through Holy Spirit, Matthew 1 and Luke 1-2.

10.  Yeshua is one with GOD, John 17:21. Yeshua is GOD, Phillipians 2:11.

11.  Yeshua was crucified as the Passover Lamb, was resurrected on the third day as the Firstfruits of Resurrection, lives to make intercession for us and is returning to Jerusalem as our Conquering King, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and Ruler of the Earth.

12.  Salvation is first for the Jew and then for the Gentile, Romans 1:16.

13.  Upon His ascension, Yeshua left the five gifts of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher for the equipping of the Saints, Ephesians 4:11-13.

14.  On Pentecost the LORD sent the Holy Spirit as a Counselor and a part of the Triune GOD. This is when the Baptism of the Holy Spirit manifested and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit began to manifest among the Sons and Daughters of GOD, Acts 2.

15.  There are nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12 and nine Fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5. Additionally, there are Redemptive Gifts from the Father in Romans 12.

We are indebted to the Jewish people and Grafted into the Family of GOD through faith in Yeshua. We have become One New Man and are considered Citizens of Spiritual Israel, Ephesians 2:11-22. If we confess with our mouth that Yeshua is LORD and believe in our heart that GOD raised Him from the dead, we are saved. For it is with our heart that we believe and are justified, and it is with our mouth that we confess and are saved, Romans 10:9,10.


Leadership and History

·        1990 – Sarah Burton, President of Southern Indiana Aglow for 7 years.

·        1991 – Sarah attends an Aglow gathering of 10,000 in Orlando, FL.

·        1992 – Sarah is selected as 1 of 35 in Aglow to travel to Prayer Mountain in South Korea. Sarah meets both Chuck Pierce and Judy Ball in South Korea.

·        1995 – Sarah meets Cindy Jacobs.

·        1997 – Sarah is asked to be the Indiana Leader for United States Strategic Warfare Network Led by Cindy Jacobs with Mike Jacobs and Chuck Pierce.

·        1997 – Sarah travels to Israel as an intercessor with Breaker of Dawn Ministries led by Jerry and Judy Ball for the 1st of 21 trips.

·        1998 – Sarah meets Eddie Talamantes.

·        2002 – Sarah has the Indiana Canopy of Prayer vision. In the early 2000’s the ministry is renamed Indiana Strategic Prayer Network.

·        2003 – Apostle Leon Walters prophesies to Sarah about facilities.   

·        2005 – The LORD gives Sarah the name Kingdom Keys Ministries International.

·        Mid 2000’s the Indiana Strategic Prayer Network is aligned with both the Reformation Prayer Network (RPN) – Mike and Cindy Jacobs and the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) – Apostle John Benefiel.

·        2005 – Sarah’s son Kevin Thompson becomes directly involved with the ministry.

·        2007 – Sarah, Kevin and others from Indiana attend “Starting the Year off Right” in Denton, TX hosted by Chuck Pierce.

·        2007 – Sarah invites Chuck to Indiana again at Crown Point, Indiana. This is when Chuck prophesied the 3 x 300 Gideon Circles of Harvest.

·        2010 – Root 52. Cindy Jacobs releases the prophetic word about Indiana as the Cornerstone State. Hanukkah of 2010, Sarah gives each state a cornerstone.

·        2017 – In January, Sarah goes to be with the LORD.

·        2017 – Kevin receives the ministry mantle and baton. Kevin is commissioned by both RPN and HAPN.

·        2017 – In September, Kevin with the help of brother John Burton, Doug Kimball and Diane Biagioni establish Kingdom Keys Ministries International with the State of Indiana as the official name of the ministry. The 5 Keys are Prayer, Israel, Youth, Healing and Training.

·        2021 – In November, Kevin establishes the Indiana Canopy of Prayer with the State of Indiana as the main focus of Kingdom Keys Ministries.    

·        2022 – Kevin and the Indiana Canopy Prayer hosted Katherine Watsey to help build the Indiana Canopy of Prayer.

·        Alignments include:

o   HAPN.US – Indiana Leader, Kevin & Cilene Thompson and Doug Kimball.

o   RPN.ORG – Indiana Leader, Kevin & Cilene Thompson.

o   NGPT.ORG – Indiana Leader, Kevin & Cilene Thompson and Kathy Lewton

o   FOTAM and SEA – Indiana Leader, Kevin & Cilene Thompson and Eddie Talamantes

·        Board of Directors: Kevin Thompson, President; Doug Kimball, Vice President; Diane Biagioni, Treasurer and Secretary.